In some ways, a broken heart is like a broken bone. In other ways, it’s much, much worse. Here are tips for bearing a mending heart.
...Rather than setting New Year’s resolutions, do this instead. Consider how you want to be remembered and vow to live that way, starting in 2025. Your surviving loved ones are your living legacy. Your influence on them is your living legacy.
...I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season. I also know that some of us are missing loved ones. We may be struggling with grief, overwhelm, or loneliness. Here’s a simple holiday self-care tip. When your life becomes too much, step outside and breathe. The natural world holds space for us and our grief better than any human ever can.
...If you’re grieving, you need to keep your self-care program as simple as possible. Step one: Stop worrying about self care. Step two: Move daily.
...My clients seldom reach out to me because they feel sad. They reach out because they don’t feel like themselves. They fear they’re suffering from mental illness or cognitive decline. They aren’t. Grief is just weird.
...Death and loss are universal human experiences. You can’t control where or when we’ll face them. You don’t have to passively endure grief. You can be proactive in engaging with and healing your grief.